Software Developer. Trekker. Photographer.

About Me

🚀 Welcome to my digital domain! I’m Chirag, a passionate data enthusiast and product aficionado on a mission to transform insights into impactful solutions. With a background in data analysis, design thinking and agile methodologies, I thrive in decoding complex puzzles and turning them into actionable strategies.

🔍 My Expertise:
✓ Data Analysis
✓ Design Thinking
✓ Team Management
✓ Agile Methodologies

🌟 Why Me?
I have an unquenchable curiosity for uncovering hidden patterns and possibilities within data. Whether it’s refining user experiences, boosting business growth, or fostering cross-functional collaborations, I’m here to drive results.

🎯 Seeking Opportunities:
Data Analyst | Business Analyst | Product Manager | Technical Program Manager

💡 Let’s Connect:
Open to exciting collaborations and conversations. Whether you’re a fellow enthusiast, a recruiter, or just curious about data-driven journeys, I’m only an email away!

📧 Get in Touch:

Business Intelligence Consultant
Third Estate

Led comprehensive data analysis initiatives, uncovering key insights on historic landmarks, 311 code violations, and community upliftment permits to drive strategic decision-making and maximize business impact.

Business Intelligence Consultant
Primary Care IPA

Conducted comprehensive analysis of 2.5M+ records and 55K patients, utilizing Tableau dashboards to unveil targeted healthcare insights and strategically optimize resource allocation, ultimately fostering equitable access to high-quality care

Technical Business Analyst

Drove client collaboration, optimized change management processes, delivered impactful user training sessions, conducted thorough incident root cause analyses, and empowered data-driven decisions, resulting in enhanced efficiency and client satisfaction

Product Strategy & Operations Volunteer
Compass Crew

Drove client collaboration, optimized change management processes, delivered impactful user training sessions, conducted thorough incident root cause analyses, and empowered data-driven decisions, resulting in enhanced efficiency and client satisfaction

Data Science Intern
Atreya Innovations

Developed a health prediction application that accurately forecasts Ayurvedic health along with imbalances, enabling personalized lifestyle recommendations for enhanced quality of life

Design Thinking Intern Thinkschool

Engineered an effective Parking Management System tailored for malls, aimed at minimizing customer waiting times and catalyzing sales. Leveraged Design Thinking methodology to iteratively refine the solution, ensuring optimal effectiveness


Pitched and victorious, NeuroQuest stands as our winning solution from a pitch competition, dedicated to empowering individuals with Alzheimer's and Dementia through innovative technology

Emergency Room Analysis

Designed and developed a comprehensive Emergency Room Dashboard using Tableau, offering insights to enhance operational efficiency and decision-making in critical healthcare scenarios

SN Corp - Data Analysis

Worked on the sales dataset of SN Corp and created an Interactive Dashboard using PowerBI to generate actionable insights that SN Corp can use to optimize their operations and drive growth.

Mera Dukan - Local Marketplace

Created 'Mera Dukan,' a B2C e-commerce app using MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, boosting local sales during CoVid-19. Hosted on AWS, it employs a CI/CD pipeline and integrates machine learning for customer churn analysis, driving continual improvements and growth

Yelp Camp - Camping

Yelp camp is a camping web app created using Node.js, Express.js, ES6, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, JS, and Bootstrap. Yelp camp uses REST API for routing user requests. It also uses MongoDB Atlas which is a cloud database for MongoDB.

Orphanage Management System

Pheonix Home is a web application developed in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, PHP, and MySQL to manage the records in an orphanage. It also has a feature to prevent SQL injection to enhance security.

Corona Virus Tracker

A Corona Virus Tracking Application designed to track reported Corona Virus (COVID-19) cases worldwide. It is build using Spring Boot and Maven to update the records daily as new cases are reported.

Travellera - Chatbot

Travelera is a chat-bot designed to assist travelers to get information about various places. It was designed to assist with Railway, Airway and Roadway Travels. Developed in Python using Natural Language Processing and pattern matching.

I typically reply to all email inquiries within 24 hours.